grid (on/off)
Enables/disables terrain grid drawing.
grow_grass (amount)
Increases the grass level to the maximum for each tile. To turn brown grass to green on your lot, key in 150 as the amount.
history (file)
Writes the current family’s history to a file. If the file is unspecified, the default is used. The default is FamilyHistory.txt, written to The Sims folder.
map_edit (on/off)
Use this cheat to lock and unlock floor tiles. You can’t edit—that is, move objects, change terrain, build floors or walls, and so on—a locked tile. Such tiles usually lie at the edges of a lot. The mailbox and outside trash can lie on locked tiles, for example, as do the road and the border around the lot.
move_objects (on/off)
Turn this function on to move any object.
preview_anims (on/off)
Turns Animation Preview mode on and off. This function allows you to click on an object and view any selected Sim’s animation for it. Why is this useful? It’s a secret. Nobody can tell you.
rotation (0)
Sets a lot’s rotation to its default, as seen from the Neighborhood screen.
route_balloons (on/off)
Defaulted off. Use this cheat to view a Sim’s intermediate route balloon info.
sim_speed (speed)
This cheat alters the speed of the game. The range is from –1000 (a virtual crawl—kind of cool, like slo-mo) to 1000 (same as the Ultra Speed button on the Control Panel).
sim_log (begin/end)
Start and stop Sim logging. Writes a SimLog.txt file to The Sims folder.
Will Wright explains: “If you type ‘sim_log begin’ and play a while, the game will keep track of everything each character does. Typing ‘sim_log end’ stops and displays the text file.
“The file is a Tab-delimited text file that can easily be read into Microsoft Excel. The file includes a row of data for each interaction that’s occurred, sorted by the object involved. This data includes routing time, interaction time, the change in each motive during interaction, and the character performing the interaction.
“We used this feature quite a lot during game tuning. I’m sure our players will figure out some really interesting things to do with this.”
sweep (on/off/none)
Displays the in-game frame profiler. Click in the Sweep window and use your up/down arrow keys to change events being profiled, and your left/right arrow keys to adjust the milliseconds per tick.
tile_info (on/off)
Show or hide the Tile Info window: move the mouse over a tile, click in the Tile Info window, and then press R to view base object info.
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